15,780 Results for:

February 21, 2012

Myanmar’s Reforms Don’t Necessarily Mean Big Business

As I have blogged about before, the fact that Myanmar has embarked on a process of political reform that has created the most open political environment in decades does not necessarily mean the count…

Workers in Myanmar mend a truck used to carry goods to and from China in the northeastern town of Lashio January 19, 2012.

November 29, 2010

United States
Egypt’s Elections Mess: Why We Don’t Care

Yesterday’s parliamentary elections in Egypt were pretty bad.  The litany of opposition complaints was long.  As I write, there are 8 confirmed deaths and numerous injured in clashes between the se…

egypt elections democracy

April 27, 2015

United States
Obama’s Drone Strikes Reforms Don’t Apply to 46 Percent

Today, Adam Entous reported the latest confirmation about what informed citizens already knew: the White House’s purported policy guidance for U.S. lethal counterterrorism strikes issued on May 23, 2…

Predator Drone Jan 2015

June 4, 2024

Religion and Foreign Policy Webinar: USCIRF's 2024 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom

Stephen Schneck and Eric Ueland, commissioners of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), will join Elizabeth Cassidy, senior strategic advisor of USCIRF, to present…

Play Internally displaced persons react as Pope Francis arrives to meet them at the Freedom Hall during his apostolic journey, in Juba, South Sudan, February 4, 2023.

May 22, 2024

Wars and Conflict
Climate Vulnerability and Conflict: A Conversation With John Podesta and David Miliband

In a conversation with David Miliband, Senior Advisor to the President for International Climate Policy John Podesta discusses the relationship between climate vulnerability and conflict zones. In th…

Play Rohingya refugee girl walks along the water with umbrella across a flooded refugee camp during heavy rain

November 20, 2015

Political Transitions
Guest Post: Obama, Don’t Cross the Rubicon in Syria

Bogdan Belei is an intern in the Center for Preventive Action at the Council on Foreign Relations. On his way to Rome in 49 BCE, Julius Caesar paused before crossing the Rubicon. With only a single …