598 Results for:

January 29, 2009

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
U.S. Recession

As our chart indicates, the U.S. budget deficit is expanding at its fastest rate in the post-war era. Obama’s proposed fiscal stimulus will add to this deficit. This aggressive fiscal response is m…

U.S. Recession

October 30, 2008

Monetary Policy
Fed Balance Sheet

Complementing the IMF’s $100 billion liquidity facility, the Federal Reserve has announced the establishment of swap lines with the central banks of Mexico, Brazil, South Korea, and Singapore for u…

Fed Balance Sheet

September 30, 2008

United States
Bailout Failure

Markets had their worst day since the 1987 crash following the House vote to reject Paulson’s rescue plan. The Federal Reserve and the Treasury are expected to hold things together through greater …

Bailout Failure

November 17, 2010

Stephen C. Freidheim Symposium on Global Economics

8:00 to 8:30 AM Breakfast Reception 8:30 to 9:45 AM Session OneCurrency Wars, Capital Controls, and the Outlook for the International Monetary SystemAjay Shah, Professor, National Institute for Publ…


February 1, 2021

Women and Women's Rights
The Threat of Human Trafficking to National Security, Economic Growth, and Sustainable Development

This blog post was authored by Jamille Bigio, senior fellow in the Women and Foreign Policy program, and Elena Ortiz, intern in the Women and Foreign Policy program. Despite widespread condemnatio…

Women attend a protest against human trafficking in Berlin.