703 Results for:

February 20, 2007

Palestinian Territories
Indyk: Rice Can Put Israeli-Palestinian ‘Peace Train’ Back on Tracks

Former ambassador Martin S. Indyk says Secretary Rice’s decision to mediate between the Israelis and Palestinians marks a major change in the Bush administration’s approach to the Middle East.

August 17, 2006

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Al-Qaeda Crippled But Resilient

Former U.S. counterterrorism coordinator Henry A. Crumpton says al-Qaeda is still capable of inspiring attacks.

May 9, 2006

Perkovich: Bush Should Engage Iranian President in Dialogue, Not Back Away

George Perkovich, vice president for studies and director for non-proliferation at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, says that the letter from President Mahmoud Amadinejad of Iran to Pr…

June 26, 2008

Defense and Security
U.S-Pakistan Military Cooperation

Pakistan is key to success in U.S.-led  counterterrorism efforts, with its tribal areas serving as terrorist havens. But covert U.S. military actions inside Pakistan put the future of the U.S.-Pakist…

February 20, 2008

Controls on Pakistan’s Nuclear Technology

The safety of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons continue to be a concern due to political instability and rising militancy in the country.