492 Results for:

May 24, 2011

International Organizations
Sudan: The Situation in Abyei Worsens

[cetsEmbedGmap src=http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=215110937314986215762.0004a40bce79b697167be&ll=12.382928,30.498047&spn=55.711251,79.013672&z=4 width=570 height=425 marginwi…

September 1, 2016

Obama’s Visit to Laos: Part 2—The Legacy of the War

In my previous blog post, I noted that the bilateral relationship between the United States and Laos remains limited, and will likely remain very limited for years to come. Sure, Laos is the chair of…

obama-laos-part 2

February 3, 2005

AFRICA: The Darfur Crisis

This publication is now archived. Will the U.N. Security Council’s recent actions help resolve the humanitarian crisis in Darfur?That remains to be seen. On September 18, the Security Council passed …

February 10, 2017

India’s State Elections, South Korea’s Economic Squeeze, Afghanistan’s Red Cross Attack, and More

Rachel Brown, Sherry Cho, Larry Hong, Gabriella Meltzer, and Gabriel Walker look at five stories from Asia this week. 1. India kicks off state elections. Political contests in five Indian states ove…

India Elections Polling

January 24, 2017

A Great Place to Have a War

The definitive account of the secret war in the tiny Southeast Asian nation of Laos, which lasted almost two decades and forever changed the CIA’s controversial role in foreign policy.