492 Results for:

August 24, 2016

United States
Remembering the Vietnam "Coup Cable"

Things usually slow down in Washington in August. Congress goes into recess, and Washingtonians who can leave town do. But this predictable lull in government activity doesn’t mean that policymaking …

Cable Coup Final

February 22, 2012

Defense and Security
TWE Remembers: George Kennan and the Long Telegram

Foreign service officers posted in embassies and consulates around the world send cables to Washington every day. Much of what they write is forgotten even before it is read at the State Department. …


May 4, 2015

Politics and Government
Campaign 2016: Ben Carson, GOP Presidential Candidate

Americans have had presidents who were lawyers (more than two dozen of them), soldiers, land surveyors, farmers, and school teachers. Even a newspaper publisher, a mining engineer, and an actor have …


February 9, 2011

Politics and Government
TWE Remembers: Joseph McCarthy’s Wheeling Speech

Sixty-one years ago tonight Sen. Joseph McCarthy gave the speech to the Republican Women’s Club of Wheeling, West Virginia that ushered in the ugly era of McCarthyism. McCarthy was beginning his f…

Senate Resolution 301: Censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy.

June 7, 2011

International Organizations
The Trials of International Tribunals

Munira Salihovic poses with picture of her three sons and husband, who were killed during the Srebrenica massacre. (Dado Ruvic/Courtesy Reuters) Champions of international justice have been heartene…

Munira Salihovic poses with picture of her three sons and husband, who were killed during the Srebrenica massacre.