1,778 Results for:

January 1, 1999

China Joins the World

China Joins the World: Progress and Prospects offers fresh, timely insights into U.S. policy choices toward China by providing historical accounts of approaches that have worked and failed since the …

February 19, 2009

The President's Inbox: Asia and the Economy

Embarking on her first international trip later this month, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will travel to Japan, South Korea, China, and Indonesia to reinforce President Obama's commitment to act…


February 7, 2020

Election 2020
Campaign Foreign Policy Roundup: President Trump’s New Land-Mine Policy

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential challengers are saying about foreign policy. This week: Democrats vow to reverse the Trump administration’s new land-mine policy, the candidates participa…


November 4, 2010

Energy and Climate Policy
Energy Innovation

Overview Low-carbon technology innovation and diffusion are both essential aspects of an effective response to climate change. Studying China, India, and Brazil, Michael A. Levi, Elizabeth C. Econ…

September 27, 2019

Election 2020
Campaign Foreign Policy Roundup: Treason, Debates, and Progressive Foreign Policy

Each Friday from now until Election Day, I will be looking at what the presidential candidates are saying about foreign policy on the campaign trail. 

President Trump's Republican contenders debate each other in New York on September 24.