381 Results for:

April 23, 2019

North Korea
A Realistic Foreign Policy Should Diplomacy With North Korea Fail

The deterrence and containment of North Korea remain both feasible and less undesirable than the stark alternatives of war and appeasement.


August 27, 2019

North Korea
Challenges Pile Up on U.S.-South Korea Alliance Agenda

Summer 2019 has been a watershed moment for trends that threaten to compromise South Korea’s position in Northeast Asia.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un guides the test firing of a new weapon in this undated photo released on August 11, 2019 by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

March 12, 2020

South Korea
Recommendations for the Future U.S.-South Korea Alliance Command Structure

OPCON transition is a new beginning for combined defense.

The South Korean and American flags fly next to each other at Yongin, South Korea, August 23, 2016.

June 12, 2019

South Korea
The Trilateralism Dilemma

Promoting greater trilateral cooperation between the U.S.-South Korea and U.S.-Japan alliances would bring Northeast Asia closer to the North Atlantic model of collective defense, but doing so comes …


March 4, 2020

South Korea
Advancing South Korean Capabilities for the Future: Procurement or Research and Development?

South Korea can use indigenous capabilities to meet many of its goals, but will also need to procure some systems necessary for its self-defense into the future.

Members of U.S. and South Korean Special Forces take part in a joint military exercise conducted at Gunsan Air Force Base in Gunsan, South Korea, on November 12, 2019.