381 Results for:

February 24, 2020

South Korea
Don't Gut the U.S.-South Korea Alliance

The OPCON transition plan should be put on the back burner or, better yet, scrapped altogether.

Members of South Korean and U.S. Special Forces enter a CH-47 Chinook during a joint military exercise conducted in Gangwon province, South Korea, on November 7, 2019.

June 10, 2019

North Korea
Defense in Support of Diplomacy: Re-designing the ROK-U.S. Deterrence Posture

The South Korea-U.S. alliance should guard against the erosion of defense capabilities, address constraints on its current military posture, and innovate its approach to security cooperation and dete…


October 18, 2011

Tymoshenko’s Sentence and Ukraine’s Future

The sentencing of former Ukraine prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko reflects her rivalry with President Viktor Yanukovych and could affect Ukraine’s eurozone bid, says New York Times Moscow bureau chief…

April 24, 2019

North Korea
No Easy Solutions: Northeast Asia's Muddled Security Landscape

Strategic clarity and a long-term vision are sorely needed to provide direction in the messier, muddled reality that has arrived in Northeast Asia.


January 17, 2013

China, Tibet, and Religious Oppression

Ellen Bork, director of Democracy and Human Rights at the Foreign Policy Initiative, leads a conversation on the relationship between China and Tibet and the ongoing religious persecution in Tibet.
