136 Results for:

May 7, 2003

To Avoid Deadly Violence in Papua, Council Commission Urges Immediate implementation of Special Autonomy Plan by Indonesian Government

New York, May 7, 2003 - There is only one way to avoid conflict in the remote and impoverished, yet resource-rich, Indonesian province of Papua: Give it greater self-governance and a stake in the de…

December 1, 2008

Capital Flows
Action, Reaction, or Over-Reaction?

Watch Nobel Laureate in economics, A. Michael Spence, analyze the many policy measures addressing the global crisis.


October 14, 2009

Solving the Syrian Puzzle

CFR’s Mohamad Bazzi says Syria continues to "meddle" in the business of many states in the Mideast but could be a useful partner for the United States in the region.

June 24, 2011

United States
Libya: "Justifications" for Intervention

Rebels fighters are reflected on a side mirror at the front line in Ajdabiyah June 22, 2011. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El-Ghany As anyone who reads this blog probably knows, I have been a critic of the U…

Libya: "Justifications" for Intervention

October 13, 2010

Palestinian Territories
The Mideast Moratorium Mess

The end of Israel’s ban on settlement building creates political problems for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and a dilemma the Obama administration in part brought on itself, says Mideast expe…