477 Results for:

May 4, 2018

United Kingdom
British Foreign Policy Post Brexit

As the United Kingdom moves closer to an exit from the European Union, questions remain about how Brexit will influence Britain’s role on the world stage.

Play Anti-Brexit protesters wear masks and wave flags during a demonstration in front of the Houses of Parliament in London

February 13, 2013

United States
Future of U.S. Defense Spending

GIDEON ROSE: Hi, everybody. Gideon Rose here, editor of Foreign Affairs. We'll get right to it. We have a great opportunity today. Andy Krepinevich, the head of the Center for Strategic and Budgeta…


December 12, 2018

Women and Economic Growth
A Conversation With Christine Lagarde

Christine Lagarde discusses the economic implications of gender inequality under the law and outline policy recommendations to accelerate women’s economic participation.

Play A Conversation With Christine Lagarde

June 29, 2016

United States
John Brennan on Transnational Threats to Global Security

John O. Brennan discusses instability and transnational threats to global security.

Play RTX1TG3P_EC.jpg