477 Results for:

April 10, 2017

United States
U.S. Security Amid Budget Cuts: A Conversation with Senator Chris Murphy

As Congress considers President Trump’s proposed budget cuts to the State Department and USAID, Senator Murphy unveils a dramatically different approach that calls for a near doubling of the internat…

Play RTR4HX1E_EC_1.jpg

October 28, 2009

Defense and Security
Russia Update: Is the Reset Working?

DAVID ANDELMAN: I'd like to welcome you all to today's meeting, "Russia Update: Is the Reset Working?" I'm David Andelman. I'm the editor of World Policy Journal. But enough about me. First, I…


April 1, 2011

United Kingdom
U.S. Keynote: Community Partnerships to Counter Violent Extremism

This session was part of the symposium, UK and U.S. Approaches in Countering Radicalization: Intelligence, Communities, and the Internet, which was cosponsored with Georgetown University’s Center for…


April 12, 2019

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Counterterrorism: Efforts to Safeguard the United States

Jen Easterly, Bruce Hoffman, and Matthew C. Waxman provide insight into counterterrorism efforts to combat extremism and policies to better safeguard the United States, with Amy Davidson Sorkin moder…

Play 2019 CFR Educators Workshop Counterterrorism Efforts to Safeguard the United States

September 27, 2010

United Kingdom
Russell C. Leffingwell Lecture: The Diplomacy of Climate Change

United Kingdom's foreign secretary, William Hague, discusses the urgency of an international climate deal in which all countries accept responsibility for climate change, enforce a more robust framew…
