309 Results for:

March 8, 2019

United States
The U.S. Trade Deficit: How Much Does It Matter?

President Trump has made reducing the U.S. trade deficit a priority, blaming trade deals like NAFTA, but economists disagree over how policymakers should respond.

Chinese steel factory

November 12, 2015

Europe and Eurasia
As Fed Pulls Back, the ECB and BoJ Add Trillions to Global Liquidity

All eyes and ears are on the Fed as it ponders its first rate increase in nine years.  IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde fears a rerun of the 2013 “taper tantrum,” or what we have been calli…

As Fed Pulls Back, the ECB and BoJ Add Trillions to Global Liquidity

September 8, 2000

United States
National Missile Defense: Test Failure and Technology Development

September 8, 2000—Mr. Chairman, members of the Subcommittee, I appreciate the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss the critical issue of National Missile Defense (NMD) technology develop…

July 19, 2016

How Many Reserves Does Turkey Need? Some Thoughts on the IMF’s Reserve Metric

Turkey has long ranked at the top of most lists of financially vulnerable emerging economies, at least lists based on conventional vulnerability measures. Thanks to its combination of a large current…
