637 Results for:

April 7, 2015

Global Health Goal Hits and Misses

A review of the Millennium Development Goals winding down in 2015 offers insights on global health efforts that could inform an even more ambitious UN initiative set to launch this year, writes CFR’s…

November 17, 2008

Emerging Markets
Latin America: Not So Insulated After All

CFR’s Latin America Studies Program outlines the implications of the global financial crisis for Latin America.

May 5, 2008

Chinese state investment abroad: familiar or something new?

Henny Sender has an excellent account of China’s decision not to allow the China Development Bank (CDB) to invest in Citibank in January in Monday’s Financial Times. It follows on Richard McGregor…

November 20, 2006

Cook: Pope’s Visit Finds Turkey Preoccupied with European, Kurdish, Cypriot Issues

Steven A. Cook, CFR’s leading expert on Turkey, says the country is so preoccupied with issues of European Union membership, continuing problems over divided Cyprus, and the Kurdish issues that the p…

October 4, 2006

Sestanovich: Russia-Georgia Spat ’Part of a Much Bigger Confrontation’

Stephen Sestanovich, a Clinton administration expert on the former Soviet Union, says the crisis between Russia and Georgia plays to deep-seated fears in both countries and could build to the point w…