2,689 Results for:

October 2, 2018

Donald Trump
A Blue Wave Won’t Rescue China

The U.S. congressional midterm elections are just six weeks away. The good folks over at ChinaUSFocus.com noticed all of the talk about a Democratic win after all the votes are counted on November 6…

Blue Wave

February 26, 2019

South Korea
South Korea Remains Essential Part of any Peace Deal With North Korea

The diplomacy between President Trump and Kim Jong-un resonates with the American public, as shown in a recent poll by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Americans have long considered North Kore…


December 16, 2021

Can Biotech Be Harnessed?

Richard Haass and Michelle McMurry-Heath, president and CEO of the Biotechnology Innovation Institute, discuss the future of biotechnology and its potential impact on food production, climate change,…

Podcast Scientist holds up a microchip

January 8, 2021

Transition 2021
Transition 2021: A Divisive and Damaging Presidency Nears Its End

Each Friday, I look at what is happening in President-Elect Joe Biden’s transition to the White House. This week: The mob that stormed the Capitol Building this week highlighted how Donald Trump’s pr…

Pro-Trump protestors line the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building waving flags and hanging Trump 2020 banners.

November 9, 2020

Transition 2021
Rejoining the Paris Agreement Is the Easy Part for Biden on Climate Change

Biden’s election victory is a huge win for all who care about the living planet. The hard part will be delivering on his ambitious agenda.

Young activists with masks on gesture with their hands while holding signs while taking part in a climate change demonstration during a global day of action on climate change near Cape Town, South Africa on September 25, 2020.