2,689 Results for:

April 19, 2013

A Conversation with Dr. Wolfgang Schauble

Wolfgang Schäuble discusses the financial market regulation and current state of the European Union.


September 21, 2010

Capital Flows
U.S. - India Economic Relations

Minister Sharma shares his views on India's economy and role in global economic issues, including India's free trade agreements; the rising profile of trade in India's growth story; the U.S.-India ec…


August 13, 2013

Does Freeing Murderers Bring Peace?

Today Israel will free 26 murderers, a price exacted by the PLO before it would return to peace negotiations. Israel has entered into such deals before, for example freeing over 1,000 prisoners in ex…

May 12, 2011

United States
U.S. Senators Weigh in on Futenma

U.S. General David Petraeus and Flournoy speak to Levin and McCain at a Senate hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington. (Jason Reed/Courtesy Reuters) Senators Carl Levin, John McCain and Jim Webb, all…

U.S. General David Petraeus and Flournoy speak to Levin and McCain at a Senate hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington.

February 22, 2012

Morning Brief: White House to Propose Corporate Tax Reforms

The Obama administration is expected to release its proposal for corporate tax reform today (NYT), including measures that would cut the top statutory rate from 35 to 28 percent, close a host of loop…