2,688 Results for:

December 17, 2020

2020 in Review
Visualizing 2021: Trends to Watch

CFR experts illustrate the trends to track in the coming years.

March 13, 2024

Center for Preventive Action
2024: What’s the Worst That Could Happen?

Every January, CFR’s annual Preventive Priorities Survey analyzes the conflicts most likely to occur in the year ahead and measures their potential impact. For the first time, the survey anticipates …

Podcast January 6th protesters clad with shields and American flags march on Washington.

June 4, 2024

Religion and Foreign Policy Webinar: USCIRF's 2024 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom

Stephen Schneck and Eric Ueland, commissioners of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), will join Elizabeth Cassidy, senior strategic advisor of USCIRF, to present…

Play Internally displaced persons react as Pope Francis arrives to meet them at the Freedom Hall during his apostolic journey, in Juba, South Sudan, February 4, 2023.

November 15, 2021

Climate Change
What COP26 Did and Didn’t Accomplish

Countries made notable commitments in the Glasgow Climate Pact, but they still fell short of the action needed to keep global warming within manageable levels.