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October 21, 2020

Removing Sudan from the State Sponsors of Terrorism List

This week, President Trump made the long-anticipated announcement that the United States is prepared to remove Sudan from the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism (SST). Sudan has been on the list of …

Sudanese chant slogans outside a court during a new trial against ousted President Omar al-Bashir and some of his former allies over the military coup that brought the autocrat to power in 1989, outside a courthouse in Khartoum, Sudan. September 15, 2020

January 17, 2019

United States
The State of the Union

In the opening session of CFR’s Local Journalists Workshop, Fareed Zakaria, host of Fareed Zakaria GPS at CNN; and member of CFR’s Board of Directors, discusses pressing U.S. foreign policy issues an…

Play The state of the union

April 8, 2021

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Islamic State and al-Qaeda Linked to African Insurgencies

Violence attributed to Islamist groups has dramatically increased in sub-Saharan Africa over the past decade, and continues to infect new venues where it has been absent.

Two soldiers wearing camouflage stand in front of a building, the Kismayo International Airport, with an al Qaeda flag painted on it.

November 16, 2016

United States
The State of Online Privacy in the United States

Experts provide an overview of the debate in the United States over online privacy.

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