811 Results for:

February 5, 2015

United States
Interview With Charlie Rose

Last month, I had the pleasure of joining Charlie Rose on his show along with Jorge Castañeda, Mexico’s former foreign minister, and Francisco Goldman, contributor to The New Yorker, to discuss Mexic…

September 15, 2022

United Nations
Survival Governance at the UN General Assembly

The annual General Assembly debate is happening at a time of cascading challenges on health, climate, and human security. Can the United Nations carve a path through?

UNGA session president hits a gavel against a podium.

October 28, 2016

Bringing International Pressure To Bear on Nicolás Maduro

[This post was co-authored with John Polga-Hecimovich*. It is the third of a series that begins with this post.] The collapse in Venezuela has many potential costs: democratic regression in Latin Am…


July 16, 2020

United States
The Economic Effects of Working From Home

The coronavirus pandemic has forced many companies to switch to remote work, some permanently. What does this mean for the economy?  

February 10, 2012

United States
Weekend Reading: The Syrian Dilemma, America’s Democracy Push in Egypt, and Questions on Egypt’s New Parliament

Alexey Pilko writes on Eurasia Review about the dilemma of Syria. Emad Mekay says, on the San Francisco Chronicle the U.S. shouldn’t support Egypt’s democracy backers. Tamer Wagih wonders, is Egypt…
