811 Results for:

November 23, 2010

Influencing Africa only on the Margins

I had a good time at the African Studies Association meeting in San Francisco, November 18-21. The events list was reminiscent of a college catalogue if all of the course offerings were Africa-relate…

June 20, 2011

FP’s Twitterati 100

Twitter CEO Evan Williams speaks at a news conference as the the website Twitter.com is launched, in San Francisco, California September 14, 2010. REUTERS/Robert Galbraith I woke up this morning to …

FP’s Twitterati 100

December 14, 2012

Corporate Governance
The Folly of State Subsidies, Part Two

A new study released this week by the Pew Center for the States is further proof of the folly of state tax incentives as a way to attract job-creating business – though in its usual even-handed fashi…

A United Airlines airplane at Newark Liberty International Airport (Gary Hershorn/Courtesy Reuters).

April 22, 2015

Five Quick Takeaways From the First Two Days of the RSA Conference

The madness that is the RSA Conference is well underway. Here are five quick takeaways from the first day and a half: 1. We may be in San Francisco, but the center of the cybersecurity world is Wash…

RSA Token CFR Net Politics Cyber Cybersecurity