811 Results for:

December 21, 2016

Abe and Obama: Reconciliation and the Rebalance

The meeting of U.S. and Japanese leaders in Pearl Harbor will be a reminder of the remarkable journey that transformed the two countries from adversaries to allies.

July 9, 2012

Morning Brief: Posner Questions Software Patents

Federal Judge Richard Posner—who recently tossed a major patent case between Apple and Google last month—questions the value of patents in software (Reuters). Posner argues that while innovations in …

Federal Judge Richard Posner poses in his Chambers in Chicago on July 2, 2012 (John Gress/Courtesy Reuters).

October 14, 2012

United States
TWE Remembers: Maj. Richard Heyser Flies a U-2 Over Cuba

The U-2 is a remarkable plane. It can fly at altitudes above 70,000 feet for hours at a time, and it gave the United States an intelligence advantage from the moment it became operational in 1956. (T…

A CIA chart of "reconnaissance objectives in Cuba," dated October 5, 1962. (Dino A. Brugioni Collection, The National Security Archive, Washington, DC)

June 19, 2015

Cyber Week in Review: June 19, 2015

Here is a quick round-up of this week’s technology headlines and related stories you may have missed: The Electronic Frontier Foundation published its annual "Who Has Your Back?" report, which as…

Cyber Net Politics CFR

August 29, 2016

Monetary Policy
Is The Dirty Little Secret of FX Intervention That It Works?

Foreign exchange intervention has long been one of those things that works better in practice than in theory.* Emerging markets worried about currency appreciation certainly seem to believe it wor…
