811 Results for:

March 30, 2009

United States
Infrastructure Spending to Grow

Watch experts discuss the lessons learned from Depression era government spending programs and how they may be applied to the recent global economic crisis. This session was part of the CFR-New York…


October 26, 2015

Red Team Reading List

In the course of researching and writing my book, Red Team: How to Succeed by Thinking Like the Enemy, over five years, I read (or skimmed) everything I could find about the subject—within the limits…


January 31, 2012

International Organizations
The United Nations Then and Now; and What it Means for Syria

This month marks the seventieth anniversary of the “United Nations.” Not as a formal organization—that would occur in San Francisco in 1945—but as a wartime alliance. After Pearl Harbor, President Fr…

The United Nations Then and Now; and What it Means for Syria

March 7, 2011

Japan’s Loss

Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara told a news conference on Sunday he would resign following criticism for accepting political donations from a foreign national, the latest blow to unpopular Pr…

Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara told a news conference on Sunday he would resign following criticism for accepting political donations from a foreign national, the latest blow to unpopular Prime Minister Naoto Kan’s troubled government.

February 24, 2012

Fossil Fuels
Will High Oil Prices Crush the U.S. Economy?

Rising gasoline prices have a way of bringing out the hidden energy pundit in all of us. Most speculation tends to focus on why oil prices might be rising and on how high they might go. But a second …