4,512 Results for:

November 21, 2022

Human Rights
CFR Religion and Foreign Policy Program Luncheon Panel: Human Rights Around the World

Shadi Mokhtari, assistant professor at the School of International Service at American University, and Ebenezer Obadare, the Douglas Dillon senior fellow for Africa studies at CFR, discuss how differ…

Podcast Human Rights Around the World

April 11, 2023

The Future of Liberal Democracy in Europe

Panelists discuss the current state of identity politics and populism in Europe, including the complex interaction between economic and cultural factors, and how they affect the state of democracy ac…

Play Protester raises flares in Paris

November 14, 2011

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
The Emperor Has Too Many Clothes: Adjusting America’s Military Spending to Reality

Congressman Barney Frank discusses the Obama administration's strategy and current level of spending on national defense. This meeting was part of the C. Peter McColough series on International Econ…


April 16, 2024

Virtual Media Briefing: Iran's Attack on Israel and the Threat of Escalation

CFR experts discuss Iran’s attack on Israel and the escalation of the conflict. FROMAN: Well, thanks very much. Thanks, everybody, for joining. And thank you to our six senior fellows here who’ve …

Play A view of Ashkelon, Israel as an anti-missile system operates after Iran launches drones and missiles towards Israel.

May 7, 2024

Election 2024
Guarding the Ballot: Addressing Foreign Disinformation and Election Interference

Panelists discuss the escalating threat of foreign disinformation and other forms of election interference and what the United States and its allies can do to combat this risk.  This meeting part …

Play An American voter casts a ballot at an election booth.

November 4, 2014

From Coalition to Rivalry: The Soviet Union and United States at the Beginning of the Cold War

Frank Costigliola of the University of Connecticut, Melvyn P. Leffler of the University of Virginia, and Philip D. Zelikow of the University of Virginia join Andrew Nagorski, former president and dir…
