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April 15, 2018

Legal Questions Loom Over Syria Strikes

In striking Syria without an international law justification, the United States leaves itself open to criticism and may invite similar behavior by other countries.

U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley and UK Ambassador Karen Pierce vote against a Russian resolution condemning “aggression” against Syria during an emergency UN Security Council meeting.

May 20, 2016

Elections and Voting
Campaign 2016 Friday Foreign Policy Roundup: It’s the Economy, Stupid

A Gallup poll out this week found that the economy remains the country’s top concern. Eighteen percent of Americans flag the “economy in general” as the most important problem facing the nation, whil…

A flag flies in front of the blast furnaces at the now-closed Bethlehem Steel mill in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

December 18, 2017

United States
Year in Review: The Trump Administration Disrupts U.S. Cyber Diplomacy

A look back at the Trump administration's approach to cyber diplomacy and what it means for next year. 

Tillerson White House

October 8, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa
Secretary of State John Kerry on African Elections

The Obama administration and Secretary Kerry have been deeply invested in supporting free, fair, and credible elections in Africa. President Obama and UK Prime Minister David Cameron were directly in…

Kerry and Kenyatta

October 29, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa
South African Candidate to Head World Soccer?

Tokyo Sexwale, ex-freedom fighter, ex-Robben Island inmate, ex-premier, ex-cabinet minister, and multi-millionaire businessman has confirmed that he is a candidate for the presidency of the scandal-r…

FIFA Sexwale