79 Results for:

September 23, 2022

A Conversation With Foreign Minister Abdallah BouHabib of Lebanon

Foreign Minister Abdallah BouHabib discusses the relationship between Lebanon and the West, especially in light of Russia’s war in Ukraine, global humanitarian issues including refugees and food inse…

Play Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib

April 28, 2016

Carnage in Syria and President Obama’s Legacy

Here’s what’s going on in Syria. Reuters reports that "Air strikes hit a hospital in a rebel-held area of Syria’s Aleppo and killed at least 27 people, including three children and the city’s last…

February 6, 2015

Middle East and North Africa
"Calling Out" Iran

The Obama administration is about to issue its formal "National Security Strategy," but recent testimony by the new Deputy Secretary of State Anthony Blinken actually gives deep insight into what tha…

September 12, 2013

Middle East and North Africa
Syria: The (Non-Chemical) Killing Goes On

The emphasis on the need to stop the Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons is understandable. We all want to maintain the international taboo on their use. But people killed by the Assad regime are…

July 16, 2021

Wars and Conflict
Five Movies Worth Watching About Love and War

Every summer Friday, we suggest foreign-policy-themed movies worth watching. This week: films about romance amid conflict.

Three movie posters in black frames. From left: Casablanca (black and white, a man and a woman look at each other); A Farewell to Arms (a man and woman look worriedly off to the side); The English Patient (a man and woman look off to the side, a desert and airplane behind them).