212 Results for:

April 30, 2009

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
CFR Task Force Report: U.S. Must Act to Reduce Nuclear Force Levels and Dangers of Proliferation and Use

  Washington, DC--In his April 5 Prague speech, President Obama called for the United States to lead international efforts toward a world free of nuclear weapons. A new Council on Foreign Relation…

January 18, 2007

Wars and Conflict
Bush’s Baghdad Plan

President Bush’s new "surge" plan to clear and hold Baghdad’s neighborhoods faces a tough challenge from high levels of sectarian violence.

October 30, 2006

The Surging Vietnamese Economy

Vietnam’s economy is booming as the World Trade Organization prepares to welcome the communist country as a full member after eleven years of accession negotiations.

March 20, 2009

Conflict Prevention
The Troubled Afghan-Pakistani Border

The contentious border between Pakistan and Afghanistan remains a site of major conflict, and houses some of the world’s most dangerous militants.

May 23, 2011

Heads of State and Government
The Foreign Policy Legacy of President Kennedy

  Join us for a conversation on the foreign policy legacy of President John F. Kennedy fifty years following the Bay of Pigs invasion and the completion of the Berlin Wall.
