354 Results for:

June 6, 2017

Syria: Are There Any Steps Forward?

Experts discuss U.S. policy options toward Syria including military intervention, prioritizing the fight against ISIS, cooperation with Russia, and responding to chemical attacks from the Assad gover…

Play Syria: Are There Any Steps Forward?

July 11, 2018

Digital Policy
The Supreme Court Adapts Constitutional Law to Address Technological Change

With Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement, two recent cases shed light on how Chief Justice John Roberts might decide technology cases if he becomes the court's new swing vote. 

U.S. Supreme Court

August 5, 2020

Race and Ethnicity
“Viral Convergence”: Interconnected Pandemics as Portal to Racial Justice

In this piece (which is part of a special Just Security “Racing National Security” symposium), Catherine Powell argues that the COVID-19 pandemic has provided a window into the pandemics of policing,…

Black Lives Matter Rally

January 2, 2018

Lord Lugard Created Nigeria 104 Years Ago

Lord Frederick Lugard, in a bid to simplify his colonial duties and subsidize his northern territory with his southern territory, signed a piece of paper on January 1, 1914 and created the political space that is Nigeria.


August 13, 2013

Does Freeing Murderers Bring Peace?

Today Israel will free 26 murderers, a price exacted by the PLO before it would return to peace negotiations. Israel has entered into such deals before, for example freeing over 1,000 prisoners in ex…

October 29, 2021

News Release
Martin Indyk Examines Henry Kissinger’s Deft Middle East Diplomacy, in CFR Book

To understand the arc of American diplomatic influence in the Middle East, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Distinguished Fellow Martin S. Indyk returns to the origins of the American-led peace pro…