601 Results for:

June 10, 2013

The Obama-Xi Summit And Renewed Inter-Korean Dialogue

When the United States and China move closer to each other, leaders of the two Koreas are apt to start talking. An unanticipated side effect of Nixon’s rapprochement with China in the early 1970s was…


December 10, 2014

United Arab Emirates
The Middle East’s Emerging Power: The Rise Of The Emirates

This article was originally published here on OctavianReport.com on Friday, December 5, 2014, and in the Fall 2014 issue of the Octavian Report. Back in the mid-2000s, Dubai was all the rage. Invest…

The Middle East's Emerging Power The Rise Of The Emirates2

August 3, 2005

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
IRAQ: Suicide Attacks

This publication is now archived. What are the motivations of Iraq’s suicide bombers?They vary, experts say. While some, like the Jordanian head of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, are longtim…

December 31, 1969

United States
Transition 2008: Advising America's Next President: The Future of American Leadership

A panel of experts discuss the prospect for U.S. leadership in the world under the Obama administration.


May 24, 2019

United States
Remembering Those Memorial Day Honors

The United States has fought twelve major wars and a countless number of smaller skirmishes in its history. Memorial Day is how we honor the soldiers, sailors, airmen, airwomen, and marines who did n…

Memorial Day 2019