72 Results for:

October 21, 2005

Cook: UN Report Is Clear in Blaming Assad Regime for Hariri Assassination, but Probably Only ‘A Palace Coup’ Will Bring Change in Damascus

Likening the leadership in Damascus to The Sopranos, Steven A. Cook, an Arab affairs expert at the Council, says the UN report on the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri is c…

May 2, 2005

IRAQ: Cabinet Ministers

This publication is now archived. Who are the cabinet ministers in the new Iraqi government?Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari has filled all but one of the 32 ministerial cabinet slots and named thre…

August 9, 2006

Ross: Israeli Escalation of War Might Hasten UN Action

Dennis B. Ross, former chief Middle East negotiator for Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, says the Israeli Cabinet’s decision to authorize a widening ground offensive in Lebanon might has…

February 20, 2007

Palestinian Territories
Indyk: Rice Can Put Israeli-Palestinian ‘Peace Train’ Back on Tracks

Former ambassador Martin S. Indyk says Secretary Rice’s decision to mediate between the Israelis and Palestinians marks a major change in the Bush administration’s approach to the Middle East.

October 24, 2005

Young: UN to Pressure Syria—Short of Sanctions

Michael Young, an editor of the Beirut Daily Star and a well-known analyst on Lebanese-Syrian relations, says he hopes that the UN Security Council meeting due to take up the Mehlis Report on the ass…