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October 1, 2020

How to Build Better Militaries in Africa: Lessons from Niger

Niger is a key partner of the U.S. in West Africa. The United States provides a range of assistance to Niger, but the country stands out because strategic-level reforms have been taken seriously by both the United States and the partner country. 

Nigerien soldier, wearing fatigues, sunglasses, a brown hat, and with a gun resting on his shoulder, stands guard.

July 26, 2018

Up-Armored SVBIEDs Make Their Way to Nigeria

They are used to carry out suicide attacks on Nigerian troops in the bush during battles. Up-armored SVBIEDs are not like car bombs, which are designed to avoid detection in urban environments. Rather, up-armored SVBIEDs appear obviously to be weaponized, but in the bush they still have some camouflage.


September 18, 2020

Boko Haram Arms Stockpiling Indicates Long-Term Threat

States and organizations that contribute troops, military equipment, money, and political support for ongoing efforts to counter Boko Haram need to reassess their current approaches to combatting the threat. The United States has an important role to play

Burned out military vehicle, with tires removed, stands on a road in Nigeria, with soldiers looking on.

September 17, 2020

South Africa
Transnational White Supremacist Militancy Thriving in South Africa

As white supremacist militancy has raced across the Western world, it has not spared South Africa from being swept up in the chaos. International white supremacist networks both strengthen and are strengthened by the Afrikaner movement in South Africa.

Three South African men hold flags of the Afrikaner Resistance Movement, including a red flag with three black sevens in the middle, and a blue, orange, and white flag pinned to a cross.

May 23, 2024

Middle East Program
Constitutions Thick and Thin

The sharp debate in Israel last year over “judicial reform” raised basic questions that arise in most democracies about constitutions: What are they meant to be and to do? Even the definition of a…