5,060 Results for:

November 23, 2009

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Nuclear Quagmire with Iran

A leading arms control expert, George Perkovich says Iranian domestic disputes have apparently doomed its agreement to ship processed uranium out of the country. The UN Security Council, he says, mus…

April 9, 2018

THE CHINA MISSION: George Marshall’s Unfinished War, 1945–1947

As the United States courts a trade war with China, a timely new book by Foreign Affairs’ Executive Editor Daniel Kurtz-Phelan illuminates how U.S. policymakers have been vexed by relations with Chin…

The China Mission

August 6, 2015

John Kerry, George Shultz, and the Kerry Visit to Cuba

Secretary of State Kerry will visit Cuba soon--on August 14. Since the opening of diplomatic relations and of the Cuban embassy in Washington, what’s been going on in Cuba? More repression. There w…

June 1, 2010

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Nuclear Conference’s ’Incremental Success’

The latest Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference nudged forward the global process on nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation--central features of the treaty--but failed to secure strong commitm…

December 31, 2010

United States
TWE Remembers: George C. Marshall

When I taught “American Foreign Policy” (30:061) at the University of Iowa (Go Hawkeyes!) students would occasionally ask me which American policymaker I most admired.  I never knew whether the quest…
