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July 23, 2014

Is the BRICS Bank More "Democratic" Than the World Bank?

The launch of the new BRICS development bank “reflects the disparity and democratic deficiency in the global governance and is trying to restart, to rethink that,” according to Nobel economist Jos…

Is the BRICS Bank More "Democratic" Than the World Bank?

January 8, 2015

Capital Flows
Which Countries Should Fear a Rate Ruckus?

For many Emerging Markets, May 22, 2013 is a day that will live in infamy.  It marks the start of the great Taper Tantrum, when Ben Bernanke’s carefully hedged remarks on prospects for slowing Fed…

Which Countries Should Fear a Rate Ruckus?

March 13, 2014

Monetary Policy
“It’s (Still) the Inflation, Stupid.”

Fed officials have been tripping over themselves and each other trying to explain to the world what the right measure of unemployment is and how it should affect what the Fed does. Using the head…

“It’s (Still) the Inflation, Stupid.”

July 7, 2015

The BRICS: Three Things to Know

Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (known as the "BRICS") are forming multilateral bodies intended to reduce Western influence over the global financial system, explains CFR’s Stewart Pat…

November 10, 2014

Monetary Policy
Paul Krugman Calls for "Weak-Dollar Policy"...Towards Mars?

Paul Krugman routinely mocks Germany for wanting “everyone to run enormous trade surpluses at the same time.” As Martin Wolf has put it, this is impossible, as “the world cannot trade with Mars.” …

Paul Krugman Calls for "Weak-Dollar Policy"...Towards Mars?