1,707 Results for:

August 16, 2006

PIMCO is betting on the continuation of Bretton Woods 2

At least that is how I read the latest Paul McCulley/ Andrew Balls paper.   By the way, Andrew Balls, welcome to the world of financial opinion journalism … otherwise known as economic analysis and m…

February 16, 2005

Monetary Policy
Did Bretton Woods 2 die and no one notice?

That, by the way, would be a bit of a blow for Nouriel Roubini and myself -- not just Dooley, Garber, Folkerts-Landau. Nouriel and I argue the Bretton Woods 2 of central bank financing of the US cur…

March 25, 2007

Monetary Policy
Still going strong (Bretton Woods 2)

I watch the data on global reserve growth rather closely.  But I was still surprised to see (via Global Liquidity Blog) the scale of the growth in the Fed's custodial holdings so far in the first qua…

October 18, 2005

Financial Markets
This week’s WSJ Econoblog is on Bretton Woods II

Mike Dooley of Deutsche Bank and UCSB makes the case that the new Bretton Woods system of fixed or heavily managed exchange rates on the "periphery" makes large (though not necessarily growing) curre…

June 20, 2007

United States
Does Bretton Woods 2 end with a bang or with a wimper — a dialogue

What follows is a bit of an experiment.   I am posting -- with permission -- a lightly edited version of an email exchange that I had with a global equity portfolio manager a few days ago.   Like all…