40 Results for:

November 4, 2014

United States
Henry Kissinger Looks Back on the Cold War

Henry A. Kissinger, chairman of Kissinger Associates, former U.S. Secretary of State, and former assistant to the president for national affairs, joins CFR President Richard N. Haass to discuss Kissi…


September 21, 2010

Capital Flows
U.S. - India Economic Relations

Minister Sharma shares his views on India's economy and role in global economic issues, including India's free trade agreements; the rising profile of trade in India's growth story; the U.S.-India ec…


November 1, 2016

United States
The Future of U.S. Energy Security: A Conversation With Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall

Deputy Secretary Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall provides her perspective on the changing definition of energy security and the role of innovation in ensuring America’s energy future.

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November 6, 2017

Conflict Prevention
Preventing the Unraveling of the Balkans Peace Agreements

Tensions are rising in the Balkans and the risk of renewed violence is growing, but the United States can help preserve peace and stability in the region. As part of the Center for Preventive Action’…

Podcast Demonstrators storm Macedonia parliament

June 10, 2015

Retirement in the Twenty-First Century

Roger W. Ferguson Jr. discusses retirement reform, the current retirement landscape, and the state of TIAA-CREF's business.

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