837 Results for:

September 22, 2015

Iran Nuclear Agreement
Tricky Path for Iran Sanctions

U.S. officials will have to consider the consequences of new sanctions as they weigh how to address Iran’s regional policies without derailing implementation of the nuclear accord, says expert Richar…

June 16, 2016

How Powerful Is Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps?

The Revolutionary Guards are involved in maintaining domestic order, projecting Iranian influence in the Mideast, and presiding over major business interests. They are poised to take on a bigger role…

December 20, 2013

The World Next Year: 2014 Edition

Bob McMahon and I typically use our weekly podcast to discuss major foreign policy issues likely to be in the news in the coming week. In honor of the approaching New Year, we changed things up for t…

Tim Tompkins, president of the Times Square Alliance, unveils part of the "2014" sign that will light up Times Square at midnight on New Year's Eve. (Mike Segar/Courtesy Reuters)

August 4, 2021

Arrests of Tanzanian Opposition Underline Need for Constitutional Reform

On July 21, Freeman Mbowe, chairman of Tanzania’s main opposition party, Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (the Party for Democracy and Progress, CHADEMA), and ten other party members were arrested in Mwanza, apparently for violating a ban on “unnecessary gatherings.” The ban, enacted the day prior, was officially billed as a measure to curb the spread of COVID-19. Yet its timing, coming just before a conference on discussing constitutional reform, and the charges levelled against Mbowe—the party leader is accused, without evidence, of funding terrorist activities aimed at assassinating government leaders—suggest the true intent is to suppress calls for much-needed constitutional reform.

Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan and former President Jakaya Kikwete stand side-by-side.

January 13, 2022

Virtual Screening and Discussion of Flee

Our panelists discuss Flee, an animated documentary about a young man's odyssey escaping Afghanistan with his mother and siblings. Twenty years later, he grapples with how his traumatic past will aff…

Play Refugees who fled Afghanistan walk in a line through the terminal in VA to board buses.