2,019 Results for:

July 14, 2005

Kissinger: Don’t Exclude Military Action Against Iran if Negotiations Fail

Former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, in a wide-ranging discussion of foreign-policy issues, says he is disturbed at the possibility that Iran will develop nuclear weapons know-how if current…

May 31, 2008

Financial Markets
US: China shouldn’t peg to the dollar but the Gulf should ...

That at least seems to be the Treasury’s policy. Krishna Guha of the FT reports that the US believes that dollar pegs can help countries manage commodity price volatility. Mr McCormick said that oi…

July 21, 2010

Debating the New START Treaty

With the U.S. Senate set to consider ratification of President Obama’s new nuclear nonproliferation strategy, four experts assess the strengths and weaknesses of the New START agreement.

February 11, 2021

The United States, China, and Taiwan: A Strategy to Prevent War

To preserve peace in the Taiwan Strait, Robert D. Blackwill and Philip Zelikow propose the United States make clear that it will not change Taiwan’s status, yet will work with allies to plan for Chin…