1,822 Results for:

July 6, 2017

North Korea
Taking On North Korea at the G20

North Korea’s test of an intercontinental ballistic missile during the week of the Hamburg summit injects an air of crisis into an already tricky set of meetings.


March 15, 2017

North Korea
Will the North Korea-Malaysia Crisis Cause a Shift in Southeast Asian States’ Relationships with Pyongyang?

As I noted in a piece I co-authored with Scott Snyder shortly after the apparent assassination of Kim Jong Nam, Malaysia is but one of many Southeast Asian nations that have relatively robust diploma…

malaysia-north korea

June 12, 2018

North Korea
Singapore Summit: The Meeting Is The Message

Donald J. Trump and Kim Jong Un changed the trajectory of the U.S.-North Korea relationship from confrontation toward cooperation and provided dramatic images of reconciliation with their well-hyped …

Singapore Summit: The Meeting Is The Message

March 27, 2020

South Korea
Unmasking Differing U.S. and South Korean Approaches to COVID-19

Policies governing face masks and other protective equipment access have revealed the high political stakes of government responses to the crisis in an election year in both countries.

Medical staff in protective gear work at a 'drive-thru' testing center for COVID-19 in Yeungnam University Medical Center in Daegu, South Korea, on March 3, 2020.

July 25, 2018

North Korea
The End of War and the North Korean Model for Working Toward “Complete Denuclearization”

The weeks following the Singapore summit have thus far not delivered a clear public roadmap or timeline for how and when it will be possible to achieve peace or denuclearization following the Kim-Tru…

The End of War and the North Korean Model for Working Toward “Complete Denuclearization”