497 Results for:

March 21, 2014

Is Peng Liyuan China’s Evita?

Dean of the People’s Liberation Army Art Academy. Goodwill Ambassador of the World Health Organization. Renowned Soprano Singer. Practitioner of Buddhism. China’s anti-smoking ambassador. Member of t…

U.S. first lady Michelle Obama and Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, pose for a photograph as they visit Forbidden City in Beijing on March 21, 2014.

March 12, 2013

Poison Air, Dead Pigs, and Cancer Rice: The Reform China Really Needs

The bad news doesn’t stop coming. First, Beijing residents learned that breathing their air on a daily basis was akin to living in a smoking lounge. Then Guangdong residents learned that Hunan rice s…

Cleaning workers retrieve the carcasses of pigs from a branch of Huangpu River in Shanghai on March 10, 2013.

May 9, 2011

U.S.-China Talks: What to Look for

China's Vice Premier Wang Qishan delivers a speech as U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sit behind during the opening ceremony of the U.S.-China Str…

China’s Vice Premier Wang Qishan delivers a speech as U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sit behind during the opening ceremony of the U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue in Beijing in 2010.

August 8, 2016

China’s Limited Retaliation Options Against the THAAD Deployment in South Korea

The Chinese Ambassador to South Korea gave a rather dramatic warning to the leader of South Korea’s opposition Democratic Party on February 25 that a decision to deploy a Terminal High Altitude Area …


October 18, 2019

Cyber Week in Review: October 18, 2019

Huawei redeploys U.S.-linked executives and looks to other markets; U.S. cyberattacks against Iran unveiled; Russian APT involved in 2016 DNC hack still active; United States evaluates election secur…

U.S. President Donald Trump and Russia's President Vladimir Putin shake hands during a joint news conference after their meeting in Helsinki, Finland, July 16, 2018.