771 Results for:

April 19, 2012

1,158 Reasons To Think Again About the Pope’s Visit To Cuba

I’ve written here before about the Pope’s visit to Cuba and his disappointing silence about political repression there. Now we learn in the Miami Herald that his visit occasioned the detentions of 1,…

May 30, 2014

United States
This Week: Egyptians Vote, Libyans Demonstrate, and the Pope Visits the Holy Land

Significant Developments Egypt. Security forces on Friday dispersed demonstrations across the country of Morsi supporters protesting General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s victory in this week’s presidentia…

Pope Francis touches the wall that divides Israel from the West Bank, on his way to celebrate a mass in Manger Square next to the Church of the Nativity in the West Bank city of Bethlehem May 25, 2014 (Amareen/Courtesy Reuters).

November 27, 2017

Southeast Asia
The Pope Visits Myanmar: Questions to Ask About Any Rohingya Return Deal

Last week, it was reported that the governments of Myanmar and Bangladesh signed a memorandum of understanding for a plan to eventually repatriate large numbers of Rohingya from Bangladesh back to My…

Pope Francis_11.27.2017

November 20, 2006

Cook: Pope’s Visit Finds Turkey Preoccupied with European, Kurdish, Cypriot Issues

Steven A. Cook, CFR’s leading expert on Turkey, says the country is so preoccupied with issues of European Union membership, continuing problems over divided Cyprus, and the Kurdish issues that the p…

June 18, 2015

International Organizations
The Vatican Takes on Climate Change: Making Sense of the Pope’s Encyclical

Pope Francis’s new encyclical on the environment, “Laudato Si” (“Praise Be to You”), is a profoundly important document. It has the potential to shake up the stalled climate change debate in the Unit…

Pope Francis waves to a crowd on St. Peter's Square in Vatican City on June 13, 2015.