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September 27, 2018

U.S. vs. Iran: Parsing the War of Words at the UN

Despite the sharp exchanges between the U.S. and Iranian presidents at the United Nations, new negotiations may not be so far-fetched as sanctions intensify against Tehran.

Iran Sanctions

January 28, 2014

Can Negotiations With Iran Succeed?

Broad-based international economic sanctions on Iran have significantly impaired its economy and brought the regime to the negotiating table, but the recently concluded interim nuclear agreement rema…


May 9, 2018

Trump Pulled Out of the Iran Deal. What Now?

In any future talks on the nuclear program, the United States can’t exclude Iran’s regional behavior from consideration.

U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement

August 30, 2011

Syria and Iran’s Power Calculus

A new regime in Damascus could threaten Iran’s support of Hezbollah and deprive Tehran of its one ally in the region, so it’s counseling the Assad government to hang tough, says Iran expert Karim Sad…

November 29, 2006

Iran’s Ethnic Groups

Iran is a predominantly Shiite Muslim state but contains sizeable ethnic and religious minorities that influence Iran’s foreign and regional policy.