9,220 Results for:

March 7, 2013

The Presidential Inbox: Iran's Nuclear Program

Experts discuss the internal and external factors that have spurred dialogue between the United States and Iran. This meeting will be part of a series on the U.S. presidential inbox that examines th…


November 12, 2019

Election 2020
Should the United States Maintain Maximum Pressure on Iran?

In this episode of our special Election 2020 series of The President’s Inbox, Robert Malley and Ray Takeyh join host James M. Lindsay to discuss U.S. policy toward Iran.

Podcast Iran

February 10, 2014

Can We Contain Iran?

If Iran gets nuclear weapons, can it be "contained?" After all, we contained the Soviet Union--which was far stronger than Iran. That Cold War analogy is misleading, I argue in an article this week …

October 20, 2006

Hidden Iran

For more than a quarter of a century, few countries have been as resistant to American influence or understanding as Iran. The United States and Iran have long eyed each other with suspicion, all too…

July 14, 2015

Media Call: Iran Nuclear Agreement

Iran and six nations led by the United States reached a historic agreement on July 14, 2015, that will limit Tehran's nuclear capacity for more than a decade in return for lifting international econo…
