9,221 Results for:

December 22, 2015

Reassuring, Not Challenging, Iran

Since the signing of the nuclear deal with Islamic Republic of Iran, that government has treated the Obama administration with contempt. U.S. officials might have hoped Iran’s conduct would improve, …

July 15, 2015

Iran Nuclear Agreement
International Sanctions on Iran

U.S. and international sanctions have battered the Iranian economy and brought Tehran to negotiate over its nuclear program. Lifting them is central to a deal but will be a complex process.

An Iranian man sits in front of a loom to weave a Persian rug

November 26, 2013

Is The Iran Deal Really a Deal at All?

There are many arguments today about the substance of the agreement between Iran and the P5+1. But there is a prior question: is there really an agreement at all? Looking at the text of the "agree…

August 28, 2012

Iran’s Syria Policy, and Ours

Today’s news dramatizes the contrast between Iran’s Syria policy and that of the United States. American policy is devastatingly described in a Washington Post editorial today as "reprehensible" and…

January 4, 2012

Wars and Conflict
How Serious Are Iran’s Threats?

Iran’s threat to close the strategic Strait of Hormuz is intended to signal its deterrent capacity to the United States and bolster leadership at home amid biting economic sanctions, says expert Mich…