8,133 Results for:

December 12, 2011

U.S.-Iraq Post-Withdrawal Relations

CFR’s Stephen Biddle discusses the increasing emphasis on non-military ties between the United States and Iraq.

November 7, 2006

The Cost of the Iraq War

With U.S. forces mired in Iraq, the cost of war has escalated. But some critics decry the manner in which the war is being funded more than the price tag itself.

November 17, 2010

A Tenuous Deal in Iraq

Despite a walkout by political leader Ayad Allawi, the Iraq power-sharing deal can hold if Prime Minister Maliki keeps his word and if the formation of a new government stir up frictions among rival …

September 27, 2006

Iraq: The Way Forward - Reporting Iraq: Perspectives from Two American Journalists

Watch James Fallows of The Atlantic Monthly and Rajiv Chandrasekaran of The Washington Post discuss their new books and the current situation in Iraq.


October 23, 2017

Iraq, the Kurds and Me: What Went Wrong in Kirkuk?

I didn’t expect Iraq to use military force against the Kurds. And I believed, or hoped, the U.S. would step in.
