524 Results for:

December 5, 2018

Redefining Political Journalism in the Digital Age

Panelists discuss how reporting on politics and the U.S. president has changed with the internet, social media, and smartphones, as well as the new ways in which Americans receive their daily foreign…

Play Redefining Political Journalism in the Digital Age

September 10, 2003

United States
How Did This Happen? Terrorism and the New War

November 15, 2001 - In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on September 11, one question has been on everyone ’s mind: “How did this happen?” This book seeks to answer this question in all its cri…

December 13, 2011

Elections and Voting
Campaign 2012 Roundup: Gingrich and Huntsman Debate

Republican presidential candidates Jon Huntsman and Newt Gingrich hold up sweatshirts they received after their Lincoln-Douglas-style debate at St. Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire on Dece…

Jon Huntsman (L) and former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, hold up sweatshirts given to them as gifts following their Lincoln-Douglas style debate at St. Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire December 12, 2011. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

September 14, 2015

International Law
Bad News: Cyber Norms Probably Won’t Constrain Cyber Conflict

Brian M. Mazanec is an adjunct professor at George Mason University. His book, The Evolution of Cyber War: International Norms for Emerging-Technology Weapons, will be published by Potomac Books next…

Chemical Warfare CFR Net Politics Cyber Norms

October 12, 2018

United States
Happy 243rd Birthday to the U.S. Navy!

The U.S. Navy turns 243 years-old tomorrow. On October 13, 1775, the Continental Congress commissioned two ships, each with eighty sailors, “for intercepting such transports as may be laden with warl…

Navy Birthday 2018