524 Results for:

September 11, 2006

Latell: A Post-Fidel Cuba Likely to Experiment with Economic Reforms

Brian Latell, who for many years was the CIA’s top Cuban and Latin American analyst, says if Fidel Castro is unable to recover from his ailments his successors are likely to be more willing to experi…

September 18, 2023

United States
Happy 76th Birthday to the U.S. Air Force!

The United States Air Force marks seventy-six years of service.

Air Force 2023

November 19, 2008

Elections and Voting
Foreign Affairs: Foreign Policy Challenges Facing the Obama Administration

A year ago, Senator Barack Obama first described how he would confront the foreign policy challenges he would inherit if elected president in "Renewing American Leadership." On January 20, he will t…

December 4, 2014

Noncommunicable Diseases in Developing Countries Emerging As a Global Health Crisis, Warns CFR Task Force

Rates of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in low- and middle-income countries are increasing faster, in younger people, and with worse outcomes than in wealt…

November 10, 2021

U.S. Foreign Policy
TWE Book and Film Recommendations

Looking for something to read or watch? Here is a list of all the books and films recommended on The Water’s Edge.
