1,777 Results for:

May 31, 2014

The Status of Women and Girls in the World Today

How terrible is it to be born a girl in the world today? The almost daily headlines about cruel acts of violence and discrimination against women -- from the kidnapping of nearly 300 school girls in …


March 14, 2014

Politics and Government
Helping the Oppressed, not the Oppressors

As protestors from Kiev to Khartoum to Caracas take to the streets against autocracy, a new book from economist William Easterly reminds us that Western aid is too often on the wrong side of the batt…


October 12, 2011

Mobile’s Role in Women’s Development

Cherie Blair, founder of the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, discusses the gender gap in access to mobile technology. Research conducted by Blair’s organization has found that the gender gap is pa…

January 9, 2014

Expanding Financial Access and Education

For several decades, the exciting promise of microfinance has been to provide the world’s poorest with access to financial services. But along the way, microfinance has too often become conflated wit…

December 12, 2013

Foreign Aid
Fighting Poverty with Unconditional Cash

Rather than building schools and clinics, or donating solar lights and cows, is the best way to fight global poverty simply to give poor people money? That’s the question a group of smart economists …