1,777 Results for:

July 20, 2012

Democracy in Development: An Update on Mobile Technology in Development

This week on my blog, I featured a two-part series on mobile technology in the developing world. On Tuesday, I wrote about how mobile phones are enabling people in the developing world to access bank…


July 16, 2012

Technology and Innovation
Democracy in Development: New Partnerships for Mobile Banking in the Developing World

Last week on my blog, Democracy in Development, I discussed how two major financial players, Visa and Citi, are becoming involved with mobile banking in developing countries. Their participation coul…


July 12, 2012

Democracy in Development: The London Family Planning Summit

Yesterday on my blog, Democracy in Development, I discussed the London Family Planning Summit and the importance of family planning for the health of mothers and children. As I write: I’m often aske…


June 29, 2012

Energy and Environment
Democracy in Development: Rio+20’s Unheralded Achievements

Yesterday on my blog, Democracy in Development, I discussed how Rio+20, despite its shortcomings, put a spotlight on several important issues. As I conclude: I’m no fan of 50,000-strong global gathe…


June 20, 2012

Technology and Innovation
Democracy in Development: Improving Governance Through Technology

Yesterday, I posted a piece on my blog, Democracy in Development, about a meeting I hosted at CFR on the potential for technology to improve governance. The piece focuses on Information and Communica…
