1,315 Results for:

December 10, 2007

Conflict Prevention

September 3, 2013

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Global Economics Monthly: September 2013

Bottom Line: There's a strong consensus that this fall's fiscal showdown will result in a compromise agreement, but a deal may be harder to get than markets anticipate. Have pity on the U.S. fisca…

November 10, 2010

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Foreign Policy and the 2010 Midterms: New START and Arms Control

A new arms control agreement with Russia has met political opposition in the U.S. Senate, and some analysts believe its fate is tied to the outcome of the 2010 midterm elections. This Backgrounder ex…

December 10, 2007

Conflict Prevention
Symposium on the Future of Conflict Prevention: Session 1: Keynote Address by Terje Roed-Larsen

Watch Terje Roed-Larsen, president of the International Peace Academy, discuss the challenges facing conflict prevention efforts in the Middle East.


April 13, 2007

Aging, Youth Bulges, and Population
The Effects of ‘Youth Bulge’ on Civil Conflicts

The presence of idle and unemployed young people in the developing world, or so-called “youth bulge,” is emerging as a catalyst for internal violence.