1,305 Results for:

October 28, 2015

Technology and Innovation
Why University Research Is More Important Than Ever

A dangerous ideological current is coursing through the intellectual circuit, a political conviction dressed up as an empirical theory. Its proponents argue that public funding of basic scientific re…

Stanford University, California (Wikimedia Commons)

October 16, 2009

Pandemic Influenza: Science, Economics, and Foreign Policy: Session Two: The Economics

Watch experts analyze the economic effects of pandemic influenza including on the labor force and trade. This session was part of a CFR symposium, Pandemic Influenza: Science, Economics, and Foreign…


June 1, 2015

Elections and Voting
Campaign 2016: Martin O’Malley, Democratic Presidential Candidate

When Bill Clinton wrote to a rising Democratic political star back in 2002 that “I won’t be surprised if you go all the way” to the White House, he had no way of knowing that Martin O’Malley would en…


January 31, 2013

Conflict Prevention
Guest Post: Fighting Maritime Piracy: Mission Accomplished?

Emma Welch is a research associate in the Center for Preventive Action and the International Institutions and Global Governance program at the Council on Foreign Relations. In early January, Mohamed…


October 17, 2011

Monetary Policy
Can Monetary Policy Mitigate The Effects of Oil Shocks? A Follow-Up

I wrote a week ago about an old paper by Bernanke, Gertler, and Watson (BGW) that attributed much of the impact of past oil price shocks to the response of monetary policy. Jim Hamilton followed up t…