1,272 Results for:

May 17, 2007

Russian-American Relations: Problems and Prospects

Prepared Testimony before the House Foreign Affairs CommitteeMr. Chairman, I appreciate the invitation to discuss Russia and Russian-American relations with you and your colleagues at today’s very ti…

March 13, 2014

Defense and Security
Highlights Of U.S. Special Operations Command

“U.S. Special Operations Command in Review of the Defense Authorization Request for FY2015 and the Future Years Defense Program,” Senate Armed Services Committee, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and…

December 6, 2005

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
U.S. Treatment of Terror Suspects and U.S.-EU Relations

This publication is now archived. Introduction In response to media reports that the United States is detaining top al-Qaeda suspects in secret prisons in eight countries, including Romania and…

October 4, 2012

Drug Policy
Paradigm Shift: Efforts to Reform Drug Policy

Gil Kerlikowske, director of the National Drug Control Policy, discusses global drug policy, including a new emphasis on programs that recognize drug addiction as a disease of the brain instead of a …


April 22, 2006

The New Face of Iraq’s Government

Iraq’s Shiite leadership finally selects a candidate for prime minister to replace the embattled Ibrahim al-Jaafari. But experts are not impressed with the new candidate’s credentials.