194 Results for:

May 22, 2014

Do the European Parliamentary Elections Matter?

This week’s European parliament elections could mark a victory for eurosceptics and fringe political groups, an outcome that would likely sour transatlantic relations, says expert Judy Dempsey.

May 7, 2012

Defense and Security
Hello, François Hollande: President of France

Streaks are made to be broken. After seventeen years on the outside looking in, a Socialist Party candidate has finally returned to the French presidency. François Hollande defeated Nicolas Sarkozy b…


March 29, 2023

Academic Webinar: Media Literacy and Propaganda

Renee Hobbs, professor of communication studies and founder and director of the Media Education Lab at the University of Rhode Island, leads the conversation on media literacy and propaganda. FASK…

Play Book browser in Cairo.

January 7, 2003

Palestinian Territories
Palestinian Authority Must Get Better, Faster, or Risk Public Support, Says High-level International Task Force Embargoed until 3:30 am EST June 28, 1999

June 28, 1999, New York City - The Palestinian Authority (PA) must improve its ability to govern democratically and effectively—and do so urgently-or risk losing the support of its people, according …

February 28, 2003

Kupchan Predicts Widening Split in Western Alliance, Foresees France Veto in Security Council to Block U.S.

Charles Kupchan, the Council on Foreign Relations’ director of Europe Studies, says the divisions over Iraq that have split the Western alliance will only deepen. He says that if the United Sta…